Arcachon Bay
Introduction to wave-ski
on the Arcachon Bay
Take a seat on your board, you don’t need to stand up, you paddle and surf from the first waves.
Thrills guaranteed !

This sport is not very developed on France. Wave-ski surfing is an Australia practice first used by lifeguards to save surfers in difficulty.
It is an easy and accessible discipline to get accustomed to surf sensations. You are seatted, you move and surf the waves easily thanks to the paddle, in opposition to surfing where you move by arm force. It’s open to all for adults and children.
Our instructors are with you into water to give advice, help you to find the best position and take some waves with you.
Practical informations
Waveski KS One,
Neoprene suit,
Double asymmetric paddle
Swimsuit, eye-glass leash, sunscreen, water bottle, extra clothes.
On reservation :
- 1h30 session : 38€/person
- Private lesson 1h30 : 60€/person (maximum 2 people)
- 3 days course : 102€
- 4 days course : 130€